%0 Journal Article %A Gómez de Caso Zuriaga, Jaime Francisco %T Clasificación de los archivos de los antiguos Institutos Provinciales de segunda enseñanza. Un ejemplo : el Instituto Provincial de Teruel (1854-1936) %D 1997 %U http://hdl.handle.net/10017/7519 %X The present paper is intended to propose a filing method for the records in the archives located at the institutos, created in 1845 and still working. The proposed filing methods take after the classifying table already worked out by the author at Instituto Provincial in Teruel, Spain, when he filed his those records to be temporally transferred in 1990 %K Ciencias sociales %K Social sciences %K Biblioteconomía y documentación %K Library science and documentation %K Humanidades %K Humanities %K Historia %K History %~ Biblioteca Universidad de Alcala