%0 Journal Article %A Gómez-Pantoja Fernández-Salguero, Joaquín %T Another Rhetor from Calagurris %D 1987 %U http://hdl.handle.net/10017/1028 %X This paper suggest that Fulvius Sparsus, a rhetor known to Seneca the Elder and, thus, active in Rome during the early years of Empire, could be identified with (or as being a close relative of) L. Fulvius Sparsus, which was a city magistrate in Calagurris, in Hispania Citerior, at the beginning of Tiberius' times. %K Roman Spain %K City magistrates %K Prosopography %K Seneca %K Calahorra (Rioja) %K Restos arqueológicos romanos %K Fulvio Esparso %K Historia Antigua %K History, Ancient %~ Biblioteca Universidad de Alcala